Smart Cities

MGRM's smart city leverages state of the art technologies to provide citizen governance and create a digital ecosystem with the citizen as the central point of focus.

What is Smart City?

MGRM’s Governance framework lays the foundation for implementation of smart city products and applications to integrate critical components of cities with digital citizen access.

Command Control Center
Cameras, Video Walls, Networking
Smart Lights, Smart Sensors
Transit Management System
Adaptive Traffic Control System
Intelligent Traffic Management System
Surveillance / BMS / GLS
Smart Spaces / Parking
EODB / Licensing Systems
Online Skills Training
Digital Payments
Hospital Management
Online Training /
Case Based Learning
Student Life cycle Management
Online Admissions
Smart Classroom / Digital Content
Virtual Classroom / e-Learning

Smart City Platform

MGRM’s Smart City Platform delivers your District and State vision while simultaneously enhancing sustainable development through our products, services and solutions.


Childhood Tracking and Enrollment: track delivery of the child, neonatal health, nutritional delivery, developmental milestones, till enrollment of child in Anganwadi / Balwadi / Integrated Early Childhood Development Programs


Early Childhood Education and Development: train and certify Balwadi / Anganwadi and ASHA workers to deliver quality early childhood education, health and nutrition


Student Life Cycle Management: manage the Student Life Cycle effectively from enrollment, to graduation, from school to college to university and employment


E-Education: provide virtual education to meet Right to Education Act, and to enhance the quality of education in rural and suburban areas.


E-Training: provide professional training to Teacher, Administrator and Principal within budgetary constrains and within normal working hours to enhance educational outcomes of State


Continual and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE): evaluate student potential in scholastic and co-scholastic areas, and provide programs for overall development of the student to become productive citizens


Predictive and Corrective Analytics: predict graduation and student success, dropout, juvenile, addiction, etc. and take corrective actions to meet State mission and standards

Health & Medical Facility Online: Enroll Medical and Health facilities, Practitioners and Therapists, and enable citizens to view facilities available, and book appointments and treatments


School Health & Fitness: conduct school health and screening programs, maintain Health & Medical Records, predict and correct medical and health issues


Web OPD: citizens can consult specialists and super-specialists online to take expert opinion, surgical and conservative options towards better quality of care.


Web Clinic: Patients can visit the Doctor’s Office virtual, and periodically consult during continuum of care towards successful treatment and rehabilitation


Emergency Medicine: provide emergency help at site using MGRM OmVcard and mobile health data

Smart Metering: monitor energy consumption at homes, and industry and prevent wastage


Energy Conservation: run energy conservation programs and Alternative Energy Campaigns to reduce the carbon footprint

Water Safety & Quality Standards: Track water quality at source and point of use to deliver safe water for drinking and usage


Home Usage and Water Loss Management: Monitor water usage at home, and other outlets, and prevent water loss


Water Conservation: Manage water conservation programs by tracking rainfall, catchment and flow into reservoirs. Run Water Conservation programs


Water Purification and Recycling Management: Track water reuse, recycling at important sites across the city / state


Water Analytics: obtain a single view of water inflow, outflow and wastage using advanced analytics, and use data to drive water conservation efforts

Hygiene Standards & Training Online: Set hygiene standards for educational institutions, healthcare facilities, home and public spaces. Conduct Training Programs for staff and for students and citizens to enhance the quality of sanitation and hygiene in the City / State.


City Issues Management: receive citizen observations and complaints, schedule official resources to fix issue, and track such observations till closure, before they escalate into emergencies.


Sewerage and City Waste Collection & Disposal: monitor municipal collection, processing and disposal, and recycling / reuse efforts; track sewerage inflow, processing and recycling, and outflow into authorized areas


Recycling Management: manage bio, plastic and other wastes through State and Private / NGO run recycling programs.

Traffic Monitoring and Control: Track traffic entry and egress from vital junctions and control points and take remedial actions to prevent traffic accumulation and deadlocks


Pollution Control: monitor and control air quality and take preventive and remedial measures to ensure high air quality for the citizens


Accident Event Management: track road accidents and emergencies, and take remedial measures to prevent escalation of issue, and safe resolution of issue.

Queue Management

A queue management system is a software that efficiently manages queues in places that experience heavy footfall such as banks, hospitals, airports, and government offices. The automated system intelligently streamlines the walk-in visitors coming to different counters to a skilled representative by issuing paper or SMS tickets. This prevents the formation of unending queues in front of the counters, thereby eliminating the chaos of people crowding in the area.